Resident film nerd @afrogolfers reveals and discusses his Top 15 Films of 2017 on our latest podcast (link in bio); Photo Credit: Focus Features
#film #nerd #podcast #list #rank #movie #movies #Oscars #cinema #hollywood #top15 #reelworld #FridayFun #listen #audio #podcasts #films

RW contributor @trashmanreeps ranked all the concerts he saw in 2017 (link in bio)
#musicmonday #livemusic #blog #lists #music #reelworld #concert #concerts #travel #entertainment #dallastx #dallas #redrocks #greektheatre #musician #band #bands #yearinreview #monday #mondays #listen

The Rose Before Bros Pod returns to the Reel World #podcast channel with hot takes on the new season of #TheBachelor - listen on iTunes! (link in bio) photo: ABC Network
#audio #comedy #entertainment #listen #romance #dating #love #relationships #Arie #BachelorNation #Bachelor #rose #roses #bros #pod #reelworld #rosebeforebros #funny

Only two more shopping days until Christmas! Check out our fun Holiday Gift Guide inspired by the movies at www.reelworldlive.com ! Written by @hayleysdyer bit.ly/2DyMMTX .
#holidays #christmas #shopping #movies #hollywood #blog #giftideas #HomeAlone #JingleAllTheWay #movie #AChristmasStory #LoveActually #HappyHolidays #reelworld #giftmas #gift #gifts #holiday #Xmas #inspiration

Check out the latest episode of our podcast (link in bio) where we examine the career of film director Sofia Coppola! (📷: Focus Features)
#reelworld #podcast #film #director #directors #SofiaCoppola #Coppola #movie #movies #hollywood #MovieMonday #phoenix #listen #entertainment

Listen to Episode Four of MUSIC SAVED MY LIFE available now on the Reel World Podcast Channel (link in bio). Hayley and Matt return to talk Sylvan Esso, Arcade Fire and The War On Drugs .
#MusicSavedMyLife #ReelWorld #podcast #music #art #SylvanEsso #ArcadeFire #TheWarOnDrugs #coffee #MusicMonday #Monday #listen

Have you seen IT? The Reel World crew has! Listen as we discuss our expectations for the film before we go see it and return to break it all down with our immediate reactions in the latest RW At The Movies! (Link in bio) 📷: New Line Cinema
#RWatthemovies #reelworld #podcast #movie #movies #horror #horrormovies #stephenking #it #itmovie #clown #clowns #hollywood #filmmaking #film #remake #novel #scary #scarymovie #listen

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Resident film nerd @M_Copeland reveals and discusses his Top 15 Films of 2017 on our latest podcast… https://t.co/IvZokaKp3W
RT @boxofficemojo: '#BlackPanther' Targets $200M+ Four-Day Opening Weekend https://t.co/W1ZVKx7OnJ https://t.co/1cpeLw1Do1
RT @TomCruise: I've always wanted to do a sequence like this. Here's a look at the helicopter stunt from #MissionImpossible. https://t.co/C1cXFPiBZV
RW contributor @trashmanreeps ranked all the concerts he saw in 2017 https://t.co/Lz8C0RP1Ba #musicmonday #livemusic #blog #lists #music